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Nov 13, 2017

Curtis Rivers - The Fearless Path, plus Conscious Robots and Self Awareness

Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build. - Robert Collier

OddsnEnds -
  • Relieving Pain. The Virtual Reality remedy looks promising. Wired 2017
  • Robots and Consciousness - 1/Proof Machines/Robots can be Conscious? Newsweek 2017 According to researchers in the paper listed at Science Magazine, consciousness, when considered as part of a brain function, can be programed. (Yes, I am simplifying this.)
  • 2/And this Robot (in the vid below) demonstrates the possibility it has the ability to think and to identify itself as the source of that thought. (If I figured out the problem and I solved it, I am therefore a problem solver and an aware thinker.) Daily Mail 2015
  • AI - the mystery of - Intelligence beyond our capacity to fathom? Technology Review
  • PS. Tech is fine as a shortcut but keyboards have a downside. If you want to remember something, write it down, long hand. Research suggests writing is the best way to imprint and retain information: PBS Nova Students who take written notes score better: The Atlantic 2014
  • Time Out: I like to SUP with my Dogs - Here's a Chicken who seems to be quite at ease. UPI 

Reality is starting to drift .. into Sci-Fi. This *Robot looks very much like an independent being. Is it self-aware? That's the question. Certainly has the behavior implied.

*Documentary (includes the previous video) on Robot Consciousness. YouTube

11/13/17 - Curtis Rivers - The Fearless Path, What a Movie Stuntman's Spiritual Awakening Can Teach You about Success - Wendy's Coffeehouse

When he was 8 years old, Curtis Rivers knew he wanted to be a Stuntman. He also knew there was no direct route to that outcome. Rather than get discouraged, he studied the list of requirements and stayed focused. (Relentlessly focused.)

One by one, the list got smaller. Obsession was his friend. Each challenge and hurdle was simply another check on the requirement chart. Long story short, surrounding himself with motivating posters, images and role models, persistence and dedication to the job at hand, whatever that might be, Curtis achieved his goal, with clout: Hollywood Stuntmen's Hall of Fame, and Guinness World Record holder. Records.

In this interview, we don't explore the risk element, we accept that as inherent in the position. View the stunt library pics here: Rivers Edge Stunts
Curtis Rivers - The Fearless Path

Curtis Rivers, The Fearless Path
We cover the outline for the book - fictional encounter with a Master who guides and instructs as the student faces various challenges while climbing a mountain. Random notes:

- 28 days to set a new behavior
- 7 Pillars
- The importance of proper breathing

The messages address a spiritual awakening and the resulting awareness. Given the source is Curtis and a compilation of personal life mentors and teachings - the reinforcement might be that the real person telling the story has managed for two decades to put himself in situations that required the title "Stuntman" and he has yet to break a bone. I lost on that count at age 14.

No broken bones in two decades of stunt work is also a testament to the fact that risk doesn't imply lack of regard for safety. At the end of the day, a clean stunt record is a win/win for the entire project.

I am happy to not know what butterflies feel like at 15 thousand feet. However, I trust, if I had to find out, Curtis would be my first call.

Follow Curtis on his Blog.

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse ArchivesThank you for listening and sharing!

Nov 9, 2017

SciXFriday - Color, AI, Ghosts and PSI challenge with Uri Geller

“You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.”  - Terence McKenna

Michael Peter Langevin (counted Terence McKenna among his friends) was my guest this week on Conscious Living. Interview is here. We covered a lot of material: Magic, Chaos, Ayahuasca (now being considered as a possible treatment for alcoholism and depression), Shamanism. [Michael Peter Langevin was the publisher/editor of Magical Blend Magazine. He has authored three books: Spiritual Business, Secrets of the Ancient Incas, and Secrets of the Amazon Shamans.]

OddsNEnds -
  • Good News AI: Ultrasound on your phone. Wired
  • Not so good news AI: experts sound the alarm on Killer Robots. Independent
  • Game Changer: Robots can experience Consciousness. Raw Story
  • "Your luck is about the change." Lottery winner + Fortune Cookie#1: $125,000. UPI
  • Lottery winner + Fortune Cookie#2: 390,000. UPI
  • Apples = Ears - Medical marvel, growing body parts. TED
  • Show and tell Uri. Practice your PSI by turning off a street lamp. Watch his two video demos. Give it a try and let him know your results. Uri Geller
  • Ghost activity continues at the school in Cork, Ireland. Very active. Today

In living color. PRISM: Dan Warner is a desaturator, tasked with sapping beauty from the world in a future where color is used as energy.

Subscribe: Jackson Miller

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Coming up -

11/12 - Curtis Rivers, The Fearless Path "carefully written to enhance your life; it subtly shifts any fear based programming that is sub-consciously holding you back." Hollywood Stuntman Hall of Fame, Guinness World Record holder. Empowering insight from an accomplished, motivated and dynamic Stuntman - The Stunts

11/19 - Nauman Naeem, Dr. Naeem is a critical care specialist, pulmonologist and palliative care specialist, whose unique insights into healing stem from caring for tens of thousands of critically and chronically ill patients for more than a decade in two countries. Healing from the Inside Out. Amazon 9/17 Link between negative emotions and disease? Blog

11/26 - Dr. Scott Kolbaba, Physicians' Untold Stories: Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives
Thank you for listening and sharing!

Nov 5, 2017

Leslie Kean - Evidence of the Afterlife - 11/5/17, Floating KC and a few extras

"Do well thy work, for it shall succeed, in thine or another's time." - Marcellus Ayer, Founder of the First Spiritual Temple

Podcast link for 11/5/17 interview

Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife. My interview with Leslie Kean has stayed in the top ten most listened to shows in the Wendy's Coffeehouse podcast archives since the first broadcast in March of this year. Intro for this 11/5/17 show is current and the interview is a rebroadcast, given the popularity of the topic.

I hope you enjoy the show. This is one of those topics I return to again and again. As an intuitive, I have no doubt as to the information being helpful. My own experiences are all the validation I need. But there are so many fascinating stories to be told of how each connects and discovers for himself a truth beyond knowing.

Believing is optional. Learning never stops. I learn from everyone I interview.

Float room at Floating KC
more information

Oddsnends -

Quick note on the float I mentioned. A few weeks ago, we were in an accident. I got whiplash. Of course, the full extent of that injury didn't register at the immediate moment but I knew from past experience I needed to act fast.

I scheduled a float within 48 hours and experienced relief from the intense headache that had begun within the first 24 hours. The accident was Saturday and by Sunday night the pain was intense. Monday's float removed the headache. What a relief!

This is the third visit and, even now the recovery in my spine and neck continues. (Also incorporating massage therapy. 3 sessions.)

I am amazed at how much of a difference it can make. I am not a doctor nor offering this as medical advice. My experience with floating at Floating KC in Kansas City has included many sessions where the result was simply a complete disconnect from the world and total relaxation, stress reduction.

I also meditate when I float and that's a story for another time. (First time float offer I mentioned is 30 percent off your first session. Do tell them I referred you.)

- On the ghost sighting during the Weston Ghost tales event, she lurks in the hallway, near the bathroom. At least one tourist encountered her. Details coming up in a subsequent post.

- Identifying the propaganda bots about US politics on twitter. Wired


Evidence of the afterlife exists. Few people have explored the topic in this manner and that's what makes the book an exceptional read. I first spoke with Leslie Kean about her New York Times best seller on UFOs. She invested a decade of research, relying, at times, on family for encouragement and support. The result was an outstanding effort. She took on the challenge of covering a controversial topic and brought a new layer of credibility to the category by linking a broad list of reputable, credentialed and undeniably verifiable sources. About Leslie Kean

Surviving Death - Amazon

"My intention is to present some of the most interesting evidence from diverse sources and show how it interconnects, making it accessible for the intelligent and curious reader encountering the material for the first time. Strict journalistic protocols can be applied to any topic for which there is data, no matter how unusual or even indeterminate." - Leslie Kean - Read an excerpt on Live Science

One of the most fascinating areas Leslie covers is Physical Mediumship. Background on what that entails from the First Spiritual Temple: FST, a Spiritualist Church. Details: About FST. The topic is helpful in highlighting the extreme end of the wide range of methods that can be undertaken to establish contact with the deceased. I have no doubt Leslie's personal viewpoint of life after death, as a result of her experience, underwent a profound change.

Leslie writes about her experiences with Stewart Alexander. You can learn more about Stewart in this video. He shares his journey, coming from a family with no background or Spiritualism connection, to becoming Physical Mediumship: YouTube

Stewart references a book that he calls the best resource for information related to life after death and Spiritualism: On the Edge of the Etheric
He also talks about an extraordinary Medium: Leslie Flint 

Interview with Leslie - Express UK, Short Video. The interviewer shares a story about his Grandmother and an after death contact.

Related Links -

Physical Mediumship UK
Physical Medium Vincent Fuller - on Demonstrations of Physical Mediumship
Other books on Mediumship/Spiritualism: 'At The Hour Of Death', 'The Supreme Adventure' and 'The Scole Experiment'.

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!