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Jul 10, 2017

7/9/17, Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter plus Telepathy Hats, Cancer Sniffing Dogs, Coffee and IONS

"You are afraid of your own empowerment as much as those around you are of you becoming empowered." Caroline Myss - Author, Motivational Speaker, Medical Intuitive

  • Tech Hat Telepathy in 8 years? CNBC. AI visionary and former Google [X] Exec., Mary Lou Jepsen thinks that is entirely possible. Indeed, she's building it. Video. Impressive resume. MIT Professor, inventor of over 100 patents. Details her plan and her focus. Openwater 
  • Maybe not that far out. 31 Science Fiction gadgets that exist now. Buzzfeed 
  • Sighting number 2 for Nessie. Avoiding the spotlight this year. Assuie couple snaps an image getting viral buzz and is considered a legit unexplainable on the official Nessie sighting log. 9news 
  • On the book list: The Coffee Lover's Diet. New from Dr. Bob Arnot.  'How to' includes finding the best beans and health benefits when consumed properly. Hardcover: Harper Collins 
  • Dogs sniff out Cancer InSitu and now they're on the scent of Parkinson's BBC 
  • Entertainment related - Downward Dog Axed. My not-so-happy feelings on that in another blog post: AnimalNsight. #SaveDD 
  • Consolation People of Earth returns July 24. Season 2 Trailer.

Refresher on the progress being made in the Science of Consciousness. In this IONS presentation on Psychic Abilities (studies and results of various tests), Scientist Dean Radin charts our progress.

Institute of Noetic Sciences/IONS - was founded by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell in 1973, Video exploring the nature of Consciousness.

In addition to paranormal mysteries and the unexplained, one of the most popular interview topics for my shows is self-healing and/or alternative healing abilities. There are so many options to explore.

Good place to start is to improve your ability to 'trust your gut'/tune into your intuition. We explore that with Wendie Colter - Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, currently writing her first book based on her experiences as a medical intuitive, healer and teacher.  She's offering classes to help enhance intuition skills at The Practical Path

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview/Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter

Paraphrasing this from the interview, when I asked Wendie what her vision was for the future of energy medicine, she said she wanted to see healthcare practitioners versed in abilities that utilize their intuitive talents, integrating that inner knowing to skills gleaned in traditional medical training.

The goal is to clear the health issue at the source so that it doesn't return. Listen to the interview for her exact comments.

Wendie explains the labels and what she does: How to Use Medical Intuition 

Sample several of Wendie's Guided Meditations on her site. Link Includes Grounding and Energy Protection. Follow on her blog.

And yes, Wendie Colter is musically inclined. She talked about an incident when she was young, asking her Mom to turn the radio on because she wanted to hear the song she heard playing in her head as it also played on the radio. She later learned not everyone could do that. Wendie's Music. Link. Check out the various links and videos and you find a beautiful voice, lots of positive comments and reviews.

Resources. N
ames dropped during the interview:

  • Mietek Wirkus - Bioenergy Healer from Poland. Extraordinary man, gifted as a healer since childhood. I attended his Bioenergy Healing workshop in the 90's. Still have the workbook.
  • Caroline Myss/About Medical Intuition. The Interview I referred to was for her book in the late 90's, Anatomy of the Spirit.Visit her Blog, Caroline, recently at TEDx Findhorn.
    Nuggets from this presentation: "Liars don't heal." "Don't take the safe path." "Blame is toxic."

Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing! 

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